Banca Intesa, Saga & Cisco AppDynamics- The perfect combination for a smooth user experience
User experience is in the first place, so it can be said that the priority in improving it does not know the limits of inventiveness, and the use and development of modern technological solutions are themselves guided by that need. Today, the growing need for APM solutions is dictated by users for whom a flawless experience is crucial. The AppDynamics application monitoring platform is the only platform that allows technologists to monitor the entire IT environment - from customer- and employee-focused applications to low-level infrastructure - and then link IT performance to business results.
Challenges for the bank
The user application, ie the banking platform of Banca Intesa - Mobi, is a true mirror of modern banking and has counted many sympathies of the bank's clients, as evidenced by the figures of daily registration of new users (currently the total number of users is about 280,000). As such, it serves a large number of users at the same time, performs various actions and every client rightly expects flawless functioning. The client is always right, especially if the action he takes after a bad experience with the application is the publication of that inconvenience on social networks. Customers are the bank's number one priority, so the Mobi platform is regularly developed and advanced in line with new technologies. Successful implementation of such a development concept is possible only with the use of a quality APM system. Each analysis requires monitoring and a certain amount of time, and in this case, time is a crucial factor.
However, to make it even more interesting, the client part of the application worked great, while on the backend, it turned out that the data center had room for many performance improvements. In particular, there was a risk of the system slowing down at the time when the final phase of the implementation of the new banking core system was underway.
Everything can be better, so the process of finding problems in the application can always be faster and simpler. The analysis of that process indicated that it makes a lot of sense to implement the APM solution. The result showed the full potential of using core APM and the process of diagnosing the problem was reduced from 2-3 hours to 2-3 minutes.
The complex architecture, which does not include all the components of the system in the same location, is another bit that was not an obstacle. Often these components are owned by third parties, and even then the APM system sent notifications with detailed information about the location and cause of the errors - whether it was part of the code or something else.
Dejan Gosic Head of ICT applications architecture office| Banca Intesa