Our company was a partner of this year’s Innovation Week, which took place from 21st-25th September at the Metropol Hotel. Our CEO, Nebojsa Bjelotomic, was a participant in a round table on “Development of an innovative and inclusive regional ecosystem”, which discussed the challenges facing the private sector in creating regional innovations and an inclusive ecosystem.
Nebojsa pointed out that “we must reach the world and immediately start thinking globally. When you make a company, don’t think about what the company can do in Belgrade, Skopje, Sarajevo, think about what it can do in Stockholm or New York, think big right away. This technological change is a great chance because in the past we needed a lot of money to invest in infrastructure, in factories, and today, if we believe that we have enough smart people, we have chances like any other group of people in any other part of the world.”

Innovation week celebrates the best innovators and inventors who promote role models among individuals, companies, organizations and startups, respecting ethics, gender equality, sustainability, environmental protection and social progress. Knowledge and information are shared for a better understanding of the future and rapidly changing world, global technological and economic perspectives, shifting trends in different sectors, as well as ethical, moral, legal and political implications of technology application. The goal is to discuss and discover ways to give equal priority to both: economic growth and addressing social and environmental challenges, contributing to the public good and building a more responsible society. That is why every year the Innovation Week team and the AFA award give prizes for outstanding individuals, companies and initiatives.
The theme of this year’s gathering was “Meeting with the Future”, with a special focus on raising awareness of how fast-growing technologies affect the change of the economy, society and the way we work and live. The organizer of the initiative is AFA, a global community dedicated to the economic empowerment of women, their professional affirmation, as well as connecting and actively involved in creating the future and a society of equal opportunities.