Donate, do not advertise

Helping the endangered in regular circumstances is our obligation, and above all, a great desire to keep the community healthy for present and all future generations. When it comes to emergencies, it’s more than that. We have been successfully implementing our motto “donate, do not advertise” for years in regular actions that we have as a socially responsible company, but this time it is more important to send an appeal to all addresses and to involve as many responsible companies as possible.
Our traditional participation in UNICEF humanitarian basketball tournaments has qualified us to be among the first to join the new action, which is the highest priority this time.
The fundraising campaign started in mid-July and we had the opportunity to help the Clinical Center of Serbia by donating funds for the purchase of 50 oxygen flow meters, ie equipment that is crucial in the process of recovery from respiratory infections, ie convalescent coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID -19). The equipment has been distributed to health institutions throughout Serbia, and we are very proud to be part of the action that was carried out in a very short time.

Reducing valves for an oxygen bottle with a flow meter is a set consisting of a pressure reducer and a flow meter with a humidifier. 500 sets are needed, and about 260 have been procured so far. The need for these devices is very big and we appeal to everyone who can help, to get involved as soon as possible and be responsible.