Get a clear real-time view into the health of your business
AppDynamics is a #1 solution for Application Performance Management today. It is placed in the Gartner APM leaders quadrant for eight consecutive years because it has premium ability to execute and a vision to follow and lead every customer through the digital business era. These are the things that AppDynamics is bringing to the table

Application Performance Monitoring: Actively monitor, analyze and optimize complex application environments at scale.
Business Performance Monitoring Visualize revenue paths and correlate customer and app experience to find and fix app issues.

End User Monitoring Optimize key business transactions with a complete view of the customer journey.
Infrastructure Visibility Complete visibility across servers, network and containers whether on premises or in the cloud.

AIOps AI-powered insights and automated actions coupled with our vision forward with Cisco.
Cloud Migration and Monitoring Enterprise-grade visibility and insights to monitor cloud-native technologies in real time.

Every part of the business and every role in the company can greatly benefit from deep insights that AppDynamics can offer:
IT Operations:
Proactively identify and resolve IT operational issues before they impact business.
App Development:
Gain real-time visibility and determine root cause of application performance issues. Protect and optimize the end-user experience of your mobile applications.
Gain insights into how our tools can help drive real success for your business.
Business Owner:
See instantaneously how applications are impacting your customer experience and business.
Pinpoint root cause of code issues without touching the source code
See Deep Code Insights for rapid software debugging